Home > Television Centre – Progress Update

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A blog brought to you by Chris Kane

Jul 5, 2013

Television Centre – Progress Update


The last few months have been hectic on a number of fronts.  There have been quite a few items on my to do list against which I can now tick as completed and in the bag.  Although, somewhat minor in the overall scheme of things, relaunching my blog as Smart Spaces & Places blog is something I have been meaning to do for some time.

So where to start?  I guess the biggest and most emotional event was the operational closure of Television Centre (TVC) on 31st March – it all went like clockwork as the major news networks moved to their new home at Broadcasting House.  But for many, myself included, one couldnt help feel a tinge of sadness and we closed one chapter in the life of this remarkable building.

As I mentioned elsewhere, and contrary to popular belief,  TVC is not really going away and won’t fall to the Developers bulldozers – it really is just an intermission!  I was reminded of this when we received planning consent to start works on Stage 6, the old home of BBC News.  Over the next two years a BBC project team will carry out the refurbishment of this part of  TVC to provide a new home for BBC Worldwide.

Last, but not least was the culmination of lots of  hard work and energy of the Stanhope Development team (ably assisted by the BBC team) who submitted, in late May, the application to re-create TVC

TVC masterplan_May 2013


Since last 2012 when Stanhope completed on the sale; there has been a tremendous team effort to develop the planning application for this landmark London site. Significant public consultation has taken place and we have received positive contributions and constructive feedback from local residents, businesses and amenity groups. 

 This planning application will enable TVC  to become a key residential, creative and social hub within the White City area. Most importantly, for the first time in 60 years, TVC will be opened up to the public, creating routes through the site and a vibrant and exciting mix of retail, leisure, entertainment, office and residential uses. With the BBC’s on-going presence at the site, including operational BBC studios, we believe that TVC will be a great place to live, work and visit.

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