Smart Spaces & Places

A blog brought to you by Chris Kane

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Should we change the chain?

Should we change the chain?

Back on the chain gang - the return to the office The Economist Bartelby article of August 1st - ‘Back on the Chain Gang’ struck a chord as we consider our return to the office. Rather than just face trade-offs, I wonder if now is the time to think about that chain -...

Working From Home and the Eternal Triangle

Working From Home and the Eternal Triangle

are we only seeing part of the picture? Covid-19 has unleashed a great deal of interest in remote working, now known to all and sundry by the snappier three-letter acronym, WFH. What I find particularly fascinating is that the mainstream press has now latched on to...

A Fog of Uncertainty

A Fog of Uncertainty

As we all try to cope with this unprecedented and unexpected lockdown experience the question of ‘when can we get back to normal?’ is never far from our minds. What do we have to do to escape this enforced restriction placed on us? Which of the multitude of commentators postulating return to work insights, checklists […]

Time To Think?

Time To Think?

As we tried to get a grip on living in isolation over the Easter period, I don’t believe phrases such as - “in times like this” make sense.   Our world is undergoing a challenge which is unprecedented, one that is exacting a huge and painful human toll in...

Amsterdam – City of Contrasts

Amsterdam – City of Contrasts

I really enjoy visiting Amsterdam, it is an intriguing city, full of contrasts. There’s the old-fashioned, picture-perfect gabled painted houses harking back to the age of Vermeer, flanking the patchwork quilt of canal-bordered islands. Another characteristic of...

Reflections on How the Economist sees our world of Corporate Offices.

Reflections on How the Economist sees our world of Corporate Offices.

Source: The Economist 28 Sept 2019 Surely a sign of the times is when a mainstream publication such as the venerable Economist would devote not one, but three items on the Workplace sector? In their September 28th issue they discussed the profound changes regarding...

Strategy and Place – still illuminating

Strategy and Place – still illuminating

Twenty years ago, I found myself balancing a demanding role at the Walt Disney Company whilst completing my studies for an MBA and as part of my research I came across Martha O’Mara’s insightful book ‘Strategy and Place’. It was a pioneering effort which she began...

Pondering on Different Perspectives

Pondering on Different Perspectives

A recent Twitter exchange amongst fellow workplace travellers prompted me to mull on the question of perspectives. This led to those great existential questions:  Why don’t we see things in the same light? How come we have different perspectives even on the same...

Wembley: A national gem gets a polish

Wembley: A national gem gets a polish

To most people Wembley will always be the arena of so many glorious moments in English and even world sporting history – the site of the first post-war Olympics in 1948, that unforgettable 1966 England World Cup victory, numerous football Cup Finals - as well as...

Thirty Years A-Growing

Thirty Years A-Growing

Having bumped into an old friend and professional colleague at an industry event recently I was transported back in time to when we were both young surveyors in London in the late 1980s. Reflecting back on those heady days as I approached my 30’s in 1989, me an...

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