Smart Spaces & Places
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Boston and Madrid reflections: A Rubicon moment in transit?
Having just returned from the CoreNet Global Summit in Boston and having previously attended the EMEA Conference in Madrid, I had the opportunity to reflect on what I had observed at both these gatherings. My impression was that CRE/workplace sector was now beginning...
Spaces and Places – are they one and the same?
For most of my professional career I have differentiated between workspaces and workplaces. Is there any difference? The official definition is that there are differences between workplace and workspace. Moreover in most of our minds it is rigidly set - workplace is...
Televison Centre- great to see a vision becoming reality
Losing an icon of British creativity would have been a real shame. It’s great to see Television Centre (TVC) re-emerge after its intermission of two years. Attending the recent grand opening ceremony I couldn’t have imagined things would have worked out so well. The...
To blog or not to blog?
Is having a social media presence in all its guises a pre-requisite for living a full life I ask myself? Having been mostly “off – air” for almost a year I’ve spent this time reflecting not only on my own situation but on the wider world where the future is coming a...
Location, location, location – a fresh perspective?
Location, Location, Location – A Fresh Perspective? Recently I revisited the MIPIM conference after a lengthy absence. It is the European if not global showcase for real estate projects and played host to over 20,000 people with the lovely Cannes in the south of...
People, Place and Productivity – fresh perspectives?
It all depends on how one looks at the situation is a question I constantly ask myself. As another year draws to a close and we weather the storms of uncertainty and volatility the workplace agenda has been a real eye-opener. It reinforced my view that apart from the...
The times they are a changing – even for CRE!
January 2004 was a big month for me. It marked the start of my new role at the BBC where I became global head of Corporate Real Estate (CRE). Since getting involved with the consumer side of the real estate industry almost 30 years ago I have focused on becoming...
BT tower revisited – above the clouds of complexity
158m above the streets of London gives one a pretty decent view of one of the most interesting cities in the world. Especially on a clear November night enjoying the views from the revolving dining room on the 34th storey. An opportunity to visit this iconic...
Letter to the edge #4 – ramblings from an up-side-down colony
Dear Steve Thanks for agreeing to be my workplace pen pal it will be interesting to see where our conversations take us. It was really nice to get your response and I have included it in my reply as other readers may be curious. It seems to me that your response...
Through the looking glass…
When Alice steps through the looking glass, she finds a strange mysterious world. Lots of things look familiar, but nothing is quite as it seems. It’s an alternative universe... where things are contrary to the real world... where things are not as they should be....