by Chris | Sep 3, 2013 | Articles, BBC Estate story, BBC Television Centre, Creative Places, Place Making
With the end of the summer one thinks about stuff that has been put on the long finger. For me, it’s the long delayed return to the world of blogging. Having started on this blogging lark in 2009 with my BBC Spaces and Places site I really caught the bug and...
by Chris | Jul 5, 2013 | Articles, BBC Estate story, BBC Television Centre, Creative Places, Place Making
The last few months have been hectic on a number of fronts. There have been quite a few items on my to do list against which I can now tick as completed and in the bag. Although, somewhat minor in the overall scheme of things, relaunching my blog as Smart Spaces...
by Chris | Mar 23, 2013 | Articles, BBC Estate story, BBC Television Centre, Place Making
The press this week is full of nostalgic coverage of the end of an era as the BBC leaves its long term home at Television Centre (TVC) in West London – but little is made of what the future holds for this iconic building. Over the last week we have seen the...
by Chris | Mar 7, 2013 | Articles, BBC Estate story, BBC Television Centre, Uncategorized
A few weeks ago Stanhope plc unveiled its master plan proposals for a new look Television Centre which prompted me to get back into blogging.The last few months have been pretty hectic and there just wasn’t time to think about Spaces&Places. As leader of the...
by Chris | Nov 16, 2012 | Articles, BBC Estate story, BBC Television Centre
I’m now back online having completed my transition to BBC Commercial Projects – setting up a new team and getting everything organised can take time.
by Chris | Jul 25, 2012 | Articles, BBC Television Centre
Last Friday the BBC completed on the BBC Television Centre. Rather than the expected sell out the deal will see the legacy protected. As Caroline Thomson said, this deal will bring about a new creative hub for West London where Stanhope Plc will work in partnership...